341: Building A RAC Test Environment On VMWare For Free
Dan Norris , Piocon    Biography

Objectives: Educate beginners on the configuration of a simple test cluster to allay fears of the unknown
Describe the common challenges and pitfalls of attempted installations and best ways to avoid them
Help even non-DBA types become capable of setting up a test environment without additional cost
Abstract: RAC. The simple acronym makes some cheer for joy and others so scared that they run screaming. If you're in the latter group, come to this session and have your fears wiped away. In this session, we will review the whole process of building a virtual cluster using VMWare systems from installing VMWare to building the RAC database. While we will review the processes and procedures, the primary session focus will be on the pitfalls commonly encountered by those that have attempted to build this configuration.

Audiernce Focus: DBA
Expertise: Beginner
Track: Database
Date: Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Time: 3:30 PM - 5:45 PM