210: Sleight of Hand: A look at Oracle Partition Exchange
David Start , Johnson Controls    Biography

Objectives: Gain an understanding of the process of partition exchange.
Review the advantages to partition exchange.
Look at various methods for partition exchange.
Abstract: With constant demands for shorter outages and more data, Data Warehouses are starting to feel their load windows diminish and disappear. Partition Exchange is one way to help the battle for good quality data with minimal outages. Partition Exchange gives the flexibility to do maintenance and verify the data before the data is available to the end user. In a small amount of time, data can be “published” to the end users minimizing the time their data is unavailable or incomplete. This presentation will look at the features of Partition Exchange, various options for maintenance, as well as a few methods for Partition Exchange.

Audiernce Focus: Developers
Expertise: Intermediate
Track: Business Intelligence/Warehousing
Date: Monday, April 14, 2008
Time: 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM