Q215: Master Data- Multiple Sources
Chitra Sundaram , PAREXEL Intl.    Biography
Suhas Upadhye , Niwara LLC    Biography

Objectives: What are the possible creep-in sources which make master data inconsistent?
Impacts of inconsistent data.
Quick tips to regulate data consistency.
Abstract: That phrase indeed sounds oxymoronic! How can there be many masters for the same data family? Master data is supposed to be comprehensive and consistent. Many organizations today face the challenges of maintaining multiple sources for the same core information. This is especially true for global organizations without physical boundaries. Reasons could be manifold such as different laws in different countries dictating how data needs to be maintained and also growing organizations acquiring smaller companies. The session highlights the reasons for multiple sources and impacts of such inconsistency.

Audiernce Focus: Developers
Expertise: Advanced
Track: Business Intelligence/Warehousing
Date: Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Time: 12:15 PM - 12:45 PM