Q428: Getting Started Building Mashups using JavaScript, Ajax, and Google Maps
Peter Laird , BEA Systems    Biography

Objectives: Be able to explain what a Mashup is
Stock your Web 2.0 toolkit - JavaScript, Ajax, JSON, GMaps
Learn how to assemble a Mashup from the toolkit
Abstract: A new era of Web development is in full swing, and it is called Web 2.0. This has ushered in a new set of prototypical Web applications, including blogs, wikis, and mashups. Mashups are the focus of this talk, and you will see how a sample mashup can be built using a common set of technologies. This set includes:

- JavaScript - Ajax - REST - JSON - Google Maps API

In this talk we will use these tools to easily build what is the ultimate Hello World mashup: a Google Maps mashup.

Audiernce Focus: Developers
Expertise: Intermediate
Track: Development
Date: Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Time: 12:15 PM - 12:45 PM