Q334: Using Perl to Manage Database Load Tasks
Brad Adkins , The Boeing Company    Biography

Objectives: Perl can be used to build anything from simple to complex database load processes.
Perl database load processes can be easily modified, allowing for simplified maintenance.
Tasks built using Perl can provide a wealth of support information.
Abstract: Using Perl to manage database load tasks is not only an economical solution for your database, but also makes good sense. Perl is available on most platforms, so a task written for one platform can run on almost any other platform with little or no modification. In addition to implementing best practices for management and execution of SQL tasks, this presentation will show you how to build-in support for such activities as logging database load tasks, notification upon completion of tasks, and many other support functions. Using Perl and readily available modules found in the Perl community, you can easily accomplish complex data load tasks with a minimum of effort.

Audiernce Focus: DBA
Expertise: Intermediate
Track: Database
Date: Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Time: 12:15 PM - 12:45 PM