457: Building A Simple System for Emailing Reports
Patrick Dugan Holmes , IPC, The Hospitalist Company    Biography

Objectives: How to build a simple system for emailing reports
The value of iterative development, building functionality first and then generalizing it
The value of keeping it simple and using simple building blocks
Abstract: IPC--The Hospitalist Company needed a way to “push” routine reports to recipients by email a couple times daily, so users would not have to remember to run critical customer service reports. We built a simple system using simple tables and shareware that effectively and easily generates PDF files that are emailed to multiple recipients. The presentation will explain the whole system, and the attendee will get all the information needed to reproduce a similar system.

Audiernce Focus: Developers
Expertise: Beginner
Track: Development
Date: Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Time: 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM