462: APEX Under the Covers
Karen Cannell , Integra Technology Consulting    Biography

Objectives: Demonstrate design and implementation of useful application features in APEX
Add to your APEX toolbox - expand your APEX comfort level with AJAX, JavaScript and other new tricks
Reinforce APEX best practices
Abstract: The best way to learn APEX is to see a useful feature demonstrated, then take a look "under the covers" to learn exactly how that feature was implemented. This session demonstrates series of not-so-intuitive features in APEX then takes a detailed look under the covers at the implementation details, using a mix of APEX constructs, AJAX and JavaScript. The focus is on how-to, where else to use similar constructs, and adopting existing code for reuse, so attendees gain a few more tricks for their APEX toolbox.

Audiernce Focus: Developers
Expertise: Intermediate
Track: Development
Date: Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Time: 3:15 PM - 4:15 PM