232: 2008: A BI Odyssey
Matthew Vranicar , PIOCON Technologies, Inc.    Biography

Objectives: Compare and contrast the typical approach to deploying BI solutions to Oracle’s Packaged Analytics.
Learn about Oracle’s Packaged BI solutions, from what they contain to the domains offered.
Understand how packaged BI shifts the focus from technical tasks to business Change Management.
Abstract: “Build it and they will come” has long been the mantra of Business Intelligence (BI) solutions. Many BI projects have started with designing and populating a custom Data Warehouse, creating home-grown reports and crafting highly specific dashboards. Missing from the vocabulary of many of these custom built BI solutions are the words RAPID, FLEXIBLE and ADAPTABLE. Learn how the mantra of BI projects has now changed to “Install it, configure it, show it to them and you will not be able to keep them away from it!” With the latest packaged BI solutions from Oracle, hear how businesses now recognize truly RAPID ROI and end up with FLEXIBLE solutions that can easily be ADAPTED to their needs – today and into the future. Quickly installed and put into use, the new Odyssey in BI solutions radically shifts the focus of BI projects from programming to Change Management. Hear how your BI projects can benefit from this shift in focus and result in significant gains to your organization.

Audiernce Focus: Managers
Expertise: Beginner
Track: Business Intelligence/Warehousing
Date: Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Time: 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM