372: Achieving High-availability on Oracle E-Business Suite through Streams
Sadeepa Wijesekara , Worthington Industries    Biography

Objectives: Overview of the solution & Streams architecture
Best practices in an environment w/large number of tables and non-supported objects.
EBS Patching & cloning strategies for high-availability
Abstract: One of the biggest challenges facing Oracle E-Business suite (EBS) customers who have implemented the single global instance concept is how to apply patches while keeping the application available 24x7. We are addressing this challenge by creating a second EBS database for the manufacturing shop floor users and providing the opportunity for patching and maintenance for applications such as HR/Payroll, Finance, and Order Management in the original EBS database. Both databases are kept in sync by setting selective schema level bi-directional Streams between the two databases. This session will discuss the overall EBS architecture, Streams implementation design and best practices and lessons learned from the implementation. This is the first known use of Oracle Streams to address high-availability for Oracle E-Business suite.

Audiernce Focus: DBA
Expertise: Intermediate
Track: Database
Date: Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Time: 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM