533: Housewife meets HTMLDB
Nimmi Vempati , N/A    Biography

Objectives: Learn how to get started on Apex/HTMLDB Development
Understand the various resources that are available to developers
Tips and Techniques from getting started to building good applications
Abstract: Apex/HTMLDB is a development platform that makes building simple, department level applications easy to build for anybody, say even a housewife. This presentation focuses on how to get started with building simple applications using HTMLDB and the various resources that are available in helping developers to do the same. Within a week or so, it is easy to build simple applications from managing the schedule for your local baseball team to managing a small salesforce. This presentation focuses on how to get quickly started on this new and exciting development platform.

Audiernce Focus: DBA
Expertise: Beginner
Track: Middleware
Date: Thursday, April 17, 2008
Time: 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM