468: JDeveloper 10g with the Fusion Stack and JHeadstart - Is it Oracle Forms Yet?
Peter Koletzke , Quovera    Biography

Objectives: What is the "Fusion Stack?"
How can ADF and JHeadstart help your development effort?
Can you be as productive in JDeveloper as you are in Oracle Forms?
Abstract: Oracle is currently building their next generation of applications, Oracle Fusion, using a technology stack that centers around JDeveloper and the Application Development Framework (ADF). The user interface layer uses ADF Faces, a library of components based on the Java EE technology JavaServer Faces. The database layer uses ADF Business Components, an Oracle framework that provides easy hooks to data in an Oracle database.

This presentation explains this Fusion stack: ADF, ADF Faces, ADF Business Components, and JDeveloper and shows how ADF can make the task of connecting Java front-end code to the database easier. In addition, the presentation provides an overview of the JHeadstart plugin and shows how its declarative environment can rival that of Oracle Forms Builder and Oracle Designer. Finally, the presentation draws conclusions about whether a traditional Oracle development shop can achieve the productivity of an Oracle Forms environment using these tools.

Audiernce Focus: Managers
Expertise: Beginner
Track: Development
Date: Thursday, April 17, 2008
Time: 8:30 AM - 10:45 AM