455: An introduction to SQL*Trace, TKPROF and Execution Plans for Developers
David Kurtz , Go-Faster Consultancy Ltd.    Biography

Objectives: How to think effectively about performance problems, so that you address them effectively.
How to generate, profile and interpret SQL Trace files
How to generate and interpret Execution Plans
Abstract: If you are developing an Oracle based application you will be writing SQL. Sometimes that application will take a long time to respond, and the time may be spent on SQL. How do you know if it is SQL? How do you find out what Oracle is doing?

This presentation, orientated towards developers (but DBAs are also welcome), will show you how to use SQL*Trace and TKPROF to get Oracle to tell you how much time is spent on what SQL, and how to obtain and interpret an execution plan in order to find out how that SQL is being executed.

Audiernce Focus: DBA
Expertise: Beginner
Track: Development
Date: Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Time: 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM