510: 50 Ways to Integrate with Oracle Universal Content Management
Brian Huff , Bezzotech    Biography

Objectives: To learn what tools are available for content management integration.
To understand which one to use for your specific application.
To see demonstrations of a variety of integrations.
Abstract: This session covers Oracle Universal Content Management. Using service-oriented architecture, it can integrate with other systems in dozens of ways. It offers connectors for Web services and SOAP, J2EE application servers, command-line tools, ActiveX, and RSS feeds. It lets you perform advanced security integrations and Oracle's Stellent Site Studio integrations and create custom Java components to integrate the back-end server with various applications.

Audiernce Focus: Developers
Expertise: Advanced
Track: Middleware
Date: Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Time: 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM