424: Consolidate BI and Planning Applications to Cut Costs and Improve User Productivity Using Essbase
Tim Tow , Applied OLAP, Inc.    Biography

Objectives: Attendees will learn how other companies saved money while making their employees more productive.
Attendees will learn to recognize similar integration opportunities in their companies.
Attendees will learn about the software used by these companies to make improvement possible.
Abstract: Business people have always struggled to prepare and analyze business information. With the advent of the personal computer came expectations of the effort to prepare the information necessary would become easier and faster. Instead, we have found that requirements for expanded information have increased even faster than our capabilities to keep up with this demand. In our race to keep up with the demand, we often turned to the tools we had at our disposal and that tool was most often Excel. The overuse of Excel led to unmanageable collections of spreadsheets that were costly to maintain and placed a drag on productivity. In this session, you will learn how 3 large companies were able to design integrated solutions using Oracle Hyperion Essbase® and Applied OLAP Dodeca® that enabled them to cut costs and improve productivity in their BI and planning applications.

Audiernce Focus: Managers
Expertise: Intermediate
Track: Business Intelligence/Warehousing
Date: Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Time: 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM