103: Oracle Data Archiving - Taming the Beast
Dave Moore , Neon Enterprise Software    Biography

Objectives: understanding of the business and legal issues surrounding data retention and archiving.
learn the best way to actually remove rows from Oracle tables - it is not always a SQL DELETE!
learn how to "tidy up" their tables after mass delete operations have been performed.
Abstract: Even as the volume of data continues to grow out of control, companies are keeping large amounts of data readily accessible in Oracle databases. But very few business policies dictate the need to have that much data accessible on line. As a result, performance is degraded, more disk drives are needed and administration tasks (backup, recovery, reorgs) take longer and longer. This, coupled with the new legal requirements for data retention and e-discovery are creating new challenges for archiving data. This presentation will highlight the challenges and review different ways to handle them.

Audiernce Focus: DBA
Expertise: Beginner
Track: Architecture
Date: Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Time: 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM